Tucumcari, NM to Santa Fe, NM
approximately 180 miles
Total miles entire trip: 2359
Earlier posts below. Well after, signing all the lease stuff, we finally got into our new apartment. It's a little bigger than the Colonial Village place (mostly in the living + dining room, near as I can tell). It has a balcony (yay!) and a much bigger kitchen (double yay!). Got that new paint smell, too. Some pix below, click on the first 2 to see a larger version.
Living/dining room:

Our bedroom:

Second bedroom/office:

No pix of the bathrooms which are too '70s-newly-remodeled-generic for words. (The shower heads come up to maybe Bram's chin!)
Here's the view from our living room of the mountains. There's still snow up there.

And, the mover called, our stuff might be here tomorrow!
Wow. Those pictures are the google satelite pictures - different angles and all. I like the windows.
What a great space! Enjoy, be in touch, M
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