We got together this morning and walked to the temporary location of the Farmers Market at DeVargas Mall, a stroll that takes us through the neighborhoods. Some breakfast burritos and wandering around, checking out the scene. Then walked back by the little park that runs along Alameda, and across the river.

Yes, there is a river in Santa Fe.

Admittedly, that photo is framed and cropped to make it look strong and lush. Most people would call it a creek. Even in the rare instances it's running. And it's the most endangered river in the country.

Hung out at home, got our energy back. Audrey and I played out the yard for a bit, then we hopped into the car and went downtown. Wandered around the Plaza, where Audrey got a balloon flower.

Then off to Museum Hill to round out the afternoon. We chose the Museum of International Folk Art because there's a variety of cool stuff for adults and kids to see, but also a children's play space. And Needles and Pins, an exhibit Monica did the graphics for. There's a hands-on area, and Audrey really got into working on the loom.

Went to our respective homes, rested up. Dinner at Whole Hog (I think I successfully planted the idea in Paul's head). Caught up with Trish, who'd spent the day around town (and up on Museum Hill, it turns out) with a friend. Audrey met some kids there, and soon had them playing her game.

Planning on Bandelier tomorrow.
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