

The snow, I mean. Not a post.

Though I'll see what I can do about that.


TEDxAcequiaMadre Tomorrow (and some radio)

Been working with the TEDxAcequiaMadre team over the past few months, doing some design — spent some time today preparing and assembling the badges I designed.

The sold-out event happens Saturday, but is set to stream at www.ustream.tv/channel/thescreensf

And, through the magic of Technology, I'll be on Mouth of Wonder on Saturday morning … while I'm in the audience at TEDx.


this year’s Spoonflower calendar towel contest

Hey everyone! Are you tired of campaign ads? Wouldn’t you rather watch a lavishly-produced musical number, sung in Hindi? Well then, please vote for my Bollywood Mehndi design (at left, there) that's in the current "Fabric of the Week" contest over at Spoonflower! Trust me, it's more fun than Big Bird with a binder full of women!

All the designs appear in random order, so you'll probably have to page through a few screens (there are 12 total) before seeing mine. You can vote for as many or as few designs as you like (not just mine) by clicking on the images you like best. A green box will appear around the design(s) you select for voting. You submit all your choices after reviewing them. Any and all votes are appreciated! Voting ends Wednesday, October 24

The Coalition for More Fun Through Elaborate Musical Productions is responsible for the content of this post.


Squirrel in the Driveway

That's something. Not nearly as cool as the coyote that ran across the yard one morning. And certainly not the most interesting thing that's happened, what with the Della Rattas, and Andy, and our trip back East, and various other goings-on that haven't made it to the blog.

But we're still here. And today is not only Cheyenne's sixth birthday, it's the Independent Get Down's.


At Indian Market

Click the photo to see us in Albuquerque Journal's Indian Market coverage. That's Raph and Char to the left, Monica's hat and ear behind me; I'm guiding us to breakfast …



Lucky to spend it with the Della Rattas.


On the Radio Saturday …

… just Bram, for, possibly the first time ever soloing with Stacy. Baked lemons for appetizers, an unappetizing-named cocktail, and timesaving tips from a pro chef: 10:30 Mountain on KSFR, or subscribe to Mouth of Wonder in the iTunes Podcast store.

Update: here's the show.


Debugging the Font

… the old-fashioned way. Set type and printed today.


Papa's Got a Brand-old Bag

Jamey found me this on eBay … I think he was embarrassed of my 30-ish-year-old, torn-and-restitched-together, gaffer-taped-up Santelli fencing bag.

Seems to be a bit over 10 years old. It wasn't 'til a couple years back that I learned that Santelli — my preferred equipment provider since I started fencing — had just … kind of disappeared around '04. But every so often something like this comes along, and I add another item of obsolete gear.


"… it's too dark to read."

Or: How We Spent Our Fourth Of July.

The dog was clearly not right on Tuesday night. By then, of course, the only option was the emergency vet.* She threw up on the way over, justifying our trip; we then sat there until 1:30 AM to hear that, yes, something was wrong, it probably wasn't immediately life-threatening, she was a bit dehydrated (having given up on eating and drinking hours before). She seemed better, we were tired, we took her back with us.

And returned first thing on the Fourth. More waiting, more tests, we agreed to let her stay there overnight, hooked to IVs, feeding her fluids and anti-nausea meds. At a visit in the evening, her aloof demeanor kind of broke — it was obvious, for once, that she actually preferred having us around. It wasn't a particularly restful night for us, but the call came in Thursday morning from the vet that Cheyenne was eating and "she's letting us know she wants to go home."

So, who knows what it was? Whatever, it was compounded by the dehydration. And now we have some very expensive pictures of her insides.


The apricots continue to ripen and drop. Regular excursions to pick and clean up are keeping things kind of under control; Stacy, luckily, is just accepting them by the box- and bag-ful. We'd be done for otherwise.


Actually went to, for the first time, Folk Art Market today. It was really, really, really crowded. Manageable, but still the kind of crowded that meant you couldn't actually see anything, really. A shame, there was some beautiful work.


And took a side trip to pick up these posters to start hanging this week. James and I are aiming to start printing posters for local events, musicians, and artists. The logical course seemed to be to print and hang posters on local bulletin boards.

* Probably not making it clear, but all the folks at the Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center are awesome — receptionists, vet techs, vets.


We were on the radio again, and then went to Omega Mart.

Yesterday, we did another live Mouth of Wonder — among other things, as a public service to all the others overrun with apricots, offered some recipes.

And then, Omega Mart — the latest installation from Meow Wolf — was having its opening.


And you may note it looks rainy there … we actually had a couple hours of light, steady showers yesterday.


The Apricot Flood Begins …


Mon's making apricot tart right now

Update: the crust now, the tart tomorrow.


"I'm Somebody Now!"

The new Previews just arrived, and a logo I designed for an upcoming comic is in it. Makes me feel like Steve Martin


The Apricot Tree, BTW


Click for larger.


Longest Day of the Year

Took a hike with Jeff today.

We met this guy along the way.


Out With Mary and Bill

Finally caught up with Mary on this trip to Santa Fe (which turned out to be not that urgent, as she's now staying on for a couple more weeks for more training). A lovely dinner out at Santacafé, out in the courtyard, on Friday.

Other updates and things:
Photos from the con last weekend posted at 7000 BC's Flickr, and the inevitable stop-motion movie of Artist Alley is here.

Blatant call to "look at me!"


I've launched the website for my comic lettering, and updated the letterpress store with some new products (some of which should look familiar).


What Is This?

Spotted outside on a wall on an otherwise enjoyable morning downtown with Bill.

Seriously, what is this thing?


The Imperial Rooster at ACE

… or at least one-third of them. Everett and Ryk put on a little performance in Artist Alley at Albuquerque Comic Expo.


At the Con this Weekend

Dale's photo of us at Albuquerque Comic Expo this past weekend. More later.


I assure you, it was Venus *

[click for larger]

Saw the transit of Venus projected (pinhole-camera-style) thru binoculars! Got the tip here — wish we had known about this technique for the eclipse.

* Jesse Ventura's finest role.


Fourth and Fifth Grillings

No photos.

Just latched on to Bittman's 101 Recipes for Fast Grilling (over there under "Enjoying", too). Yesterday was a day around the house, catching up on stuff and preparing for ACE this coming weekend. Especially for this early in the season, brutally hot — hot enough to start up the air conditioning, and that my note for "chix something" on the night's menu started to mean "grill outside."

Ducked over to the co-op for a tomato to make #38, "Call it grilled chicken Parm." I was dubious about how evenly it'd cook, but it went real well, with some shredded cheese, tomato slices, adobo, herbs, and olive oil in the middle. What we've learned: make sure the chicken's pounded out evenly, try the TJ's chopped sundried tomatoes for the filing, and see if some olive oil and salt on the outside will work.

And then on a shopping trip — after finally seeing The Avengers* today — went for makin's for #50, "Grilled tuna niçoise." Though the too-hot day turned to a smattering of rain and became less painful by early evening, stuck with the grilling plan. Lessons learned there: don't worry about undercooking the tuna; microwaving the potatoes and then finishing on the grill's a technique we should be using more; and needs to be served on a bed of greens.

* Pretty darned near flawless, according to this fanboy.


Third Grilling

Although nothing like Andy's, fired up the grill for the third time this year. Usually, we've probably only just pulled it out of storage by this time … but with the mild weather, we got it going … a few weeks ago for … fajitas, was it? And then Monday for some peppers for vegetarian friends.

Tonight was bleu cheese, bacon, and barbecue sauce burgers and corn.

Discovered that, yes, the dog will eat corn on the cob.



Had some Enchiladas of the Apocalypse, then took the dog across the river to get a better "view" of the eclipse. A lovely walk in the shade, especially since the unseasonably warm weather is already getting too hot for her.

Lessee … James Gleick was in town to talk on Wednesday night. It was a brief — just under 30 minutes — talk, plus about 20 minutes of Q&A. And kinda tough to sum up what it was about. Monica noted it was like a preface to The Information, a book that I struggled through, finding far less accessible than his others.

Meet and greet yesterday, plantings have been going on, a more-than-full day helping out at the Santa Fe Challenge last Saturday. Printed up a bunch of cards on Friday to take to ACE. Since there won't be any new comics.


Update: time lapse of the Santa Fe Challenge, courtesy of Barry at ACFA.


Coyote Spotting

But not photographed. Forgot I had the phone with me.

For months, been hearing about how coyotes now roam the neighborhood in broad daylight — a neighbor noted how she saw one at 10:30 am, walking down the street.

Turning the corner off Rio Vista 'round 8:00 this evening, spotted one trotting down the opposite side of Solana. Stopped to watch — and warn the cars at the stop sign, which the coyote seemed able to negotiate — as it turned the corner and went on its way.


Public Enemy in Santa Fe … Rained Out

Public Enemy appeared Saturday in Santa Fe. A special, invitation-only concert. But, when you're like us and you have people, that's not a problem.

Rain, though. That was a problem. A city with 300 sunny days a year. And Saturday wasn't one of them.

They got underway after 8:00; about four or five songs in (they were all some awesome long jams), just after 9:00, a 10-minute break was announced for safety, what with all the electronics. Predictably, that turned into a 20+-minute break and, at the end of it, the concert was called off.

The band was great about talking to the diminished crowd, and finished off with a By The Time I Get To Arizona/Fight The Power medley that was stronger for having less electricity on stage.


We Were on the Radio Again

Last Saturday. Talking mostly about Southwestern food. The script was less than 30 minutes, yet we wound up running over. Listen here.


And It Seemed Like This Might Be The Year

Mild winter, early spring, days of 60°-plus March days … the apricot tree popped last Saturday while we were in Taos. And with the temperatures only trending up, seemed for a moment there that this might be the year the blossoms don't all freeze before they have a chance to set.


At Aspen Vista

Happy dog going for a hike.

Sad dog doesn't want to go back home.


A Visit from Andy

Arrived into town last Thursday night without incident. It kinda went wrong from there.

Friday, we got a late start over some Whoo's Donuts. I thought there'd be a good hike out in Tesuque, but couldn't find anything online. Burning daylight … it occurred to me I hadn't seen the Caldera in a long time. A quick check for a sandwich shop in Los Alamos I'd heard of, and off.

No sign of it at the address Google had, but another one appeared. Haunted by the breakfast burritos we were too late for, got some recommended wraps and hit the road again.

Looking out for the Coyote Call trailhead, noticed that the Caldera itself was open. Haven't been since that skiing trip, Andy had never seen it. The road down, bumpy but clear. Clear skies, a cool breeze, lunch outside at the new visitors center. And then in to ask about hiking. To be told the trails were too muddy, with the melting snow; they were going out reevaluate, but Coyote Call, up opposite the Caldera was open.

After the one fakeout, parked at the trailhead. Set out across the still-snowy ground.

Where we promptly dropped knee-deep into the snow. And though there were mercifully only-muddy patches, it was a long slog up to to where the trail heads into the woods. Which was not any less snowy.

Around two hours of driving for about 45 minutes outside. When the point of the day was to be outside. It was partially redeemed when we found the Don Quixote tasting room outside White Rock.

And luckily, there was dinner at Whole Hog with Stacy and Jim, in preparation for the next day's radio show. And then much socializing back here after.


Dashed out for burritos before the live show. Will post the link when the podcast is available, but I thought it was great — and not just 'cause my friend was the guest. Good insight on barbecuing.

Update: download here. Live radio, people.

We'd thought about what to do for the rest of the day. Due to be another beautiful one. Mon and I hadn't been to Taos since our trip out here over ten years ago. And we never saw Taos Pueblo then. Andy had done the standard Santa Fe stuff … to Taos!

Road trip! The main road's a little twisty and turny, but pretty. A bit over an hour to the pueblo north of town.

Which was closed.


Strolled town a bit, found a nice place for an outdoor lunch for some awesome gyros. The drive back on the high road was prettier than I remembered. But it definitely meant we spent more time, again, in the car than outside.

Done in. Stayed home for the evening, catching up.


Sunday, around, a late start to spend the afternoon in Albuquerque. Circled downtown, and then wound up at the Southwest Chocolate and Coffee Fest. Not a lot of samples, but more than enough. Especially since we were planning on dinner before bringing Andy to the airport.

Insanely good hamburgers, for two of us, at Holy Cow. A few last minutes to visit.


And then, since Mary had been in town for yoga teacher training for the past week, we caught up with her. We had an outing the week before upon her arrival. But she wrapped in the afternoon, packed up, and met up with us for more stories.


Andy's live on Mouth of Wonder tomorrow, talking about smoking meat. We'll probably be there, too, trying to keep everyone in line.

You can listen to a live stream on Saturday, March 24 at 10:30 AM Mountain Standard Time, here at the KSFR site, the player at the bottom of the Mouth of Wonder site, or download it as a podcast from iTunes.