
Arroyo Hike

Invited ourselves up to J+J's to catch up and join J on her morning hike with Audrey in their arroyo. There by around 10:30 for bagels; Audrey got pretty territorial about another dog in her house, so unfortunately she was outside while we were inside and vice versa. After breakfast and visiting, out on our way a bit after 11:00.

It was warm, occasional clouds and a breeze helped. Of course, out in the open, Audrey could just run off and the two dogs were completely unconcerned with each other. Gave us a chance for more visiting.

Took a bit of a side trip up to the ridge to an old burned-out house dating back decades, according to J. Pretty amazing little wreck, so much still in place (click for larger).


A little poking around there, then back home, about an hour-and-a-quarter out. Where J, not feeling well, was asleep. We sat outside for a bit (with Audrey inside), then all went our separate ways for the afternoon's chores.

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