

Monica had done some work for James The Printer and so, in turn, we got some letterpress time at his studio. Last Tuesday, we headed over after work and spent, as it turns out, most of the evening there.

We'd decided that some of the patterns Monica made for Naked & Angry would make for some pretty nice notecards. James made plates, the patterns covering the front and back of the cards. We had a bunch of paper we'd accumulated over the years, James had a couple piles as well. He got us set up, ran through the operation of the press (which, eventually, we remembered), and set us loose, stopping by periodically to help us out and to chat.

We ran three plates, changing inks along the way, and alternating among the paper choices.


We were printing for more than 3 hours, plus about another half-hour to clean up at the end, wrapping up around 10:30 (James had long since gone to sleep). Right now, we estimate that we did around 350 cards.

With the different paper sizes and some plate shifting as we printed, we have to hand-trim two of the sides (then we can use a paper cutter for the rest) and then score. Looks like that will, in the end, take longer than the printing.

Plan is to bring them to SPX (not comics, but crafty, and there's some of that there) and make a place to put them on the Panel Press site.


Anonymous said...

oooh! jealous! and the plates look cool too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the "Last Known Photo of Bram's Intact Left Hand." Good times...