
First Day

Got away for a few minutes to catch some of the dedication of the Bill Mauldin stamp at the New Mexico History Museum.

I've written about how great I think Mauldin is … and as I struggle through becoming a storyteller, my appreciation for his skill grows. What he was able to accomplish with just a drawing and a few words — or sometimes no words — is pretty extraordinary, especially considering the the conditions he worked under.

There were souvenirs to get (top; the unpictured use of Comic Sans garners many demerits), and some introductory notes before the unveiling. And it was pretty cool — it's not a huge thing, but I'll probably never be at another First Day of Issue sort of event; to catch one about someone I admire, presented by people who genuinely were moved by it, was pretty terrific.

Addendum: Icarus points to this appreciation of Mauldin.

Update: coverage in the New Mexican

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