
Telling Stories Around The Fire

And in a nice bit of meta-ness, we were probably telling stories about telling stories. Our comics-making friend Marc was in town for an all-too-brief visit; we collected him at the airport Saturday around 5:30 and had him out on a noon flight Sunday.

We'd only finally met him for the first time — in another whirlwind visit — at STAPLE! this past year, after years of email exchanges, a bit of collaboration, and the occasional phone call.

So we spent plenty of time just hanging out and talking. And having dinner at La Choza, where Marc won the "guess the server's name" game. The first time in, like, ten years that's happened.

Anyway. I'd spent the morning at Tripleplay, a seminar presented by our local AIGA group. Good fun, a nice break and view on design. In the meantime, Monica had walked over to Sanbusco, where I joined her for the monthly GCNM meet and greet.

Sunday morning, breakfast with Jamie and then the run to the airport. Left us some time for the dog park before heading to Stacy and Jim's for a dinner party; she's got some friends in town, so it was another big night of visiting.

Good thing we enjoyed that fire outside when we could. Hit around 33° last night, and there's danger of a hard freeze tonight; the green tomatoes are in the house now.

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