
Living Room Chairs

Calling M+D Thursday to wish D a happy birthday and to see how M was doing on her first full day at home (pretty well), mentioned that we had taken delivery of our new living room chairs that day. Promised photos to follow.

When they called today with the update (M continues to improve and begins more intensive physical therapy this week), they also asked where the chairs photo was.

It's gray and windy, but as I sat in one of the chairs, on the phone, the sun peeked out and I was able to get a shot.

We had an old slipcover for the sofa in a slate blue, so the room's shaping up to be cool colors with earth tones, vaguely mid-century Modern.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice mid century modern look - it nicely captures the principles of organic architecture combined with many elements reflected in the International and Bauhaus movements.