
Boxes of Books, Bare Walls, and Bubble Wrap

Day 2 of packing. The books are, except for a few stragglers, all boxed up. The stuff from the walls that we're in charge of is mostly wrapped up and packed. It all gives the appearance of progress.

A favorite box from the ABC store:

I know that it's just the distributor that's in Massachusetts, but I'm just too entertained by the idea of "Don Cossack, the finest vodka of Somerville."

The Triptik arrived yesterday from AAA, mapping out our ideal route. The first night we'll be at Monica's grandparents' outside of Raleigh. After that, our next destination is Nashville. There's no way we'll be able to spend all the time we want to there, so my only goal is Hatch Show Print, hopefully to see some old-time block printing happening. Next point is Memphis, just a few hours away. We plan to make it through there at dinner time for some ribs — I prefer Rendezvous, but once you're in Memphis, you can't really go wrong. After that, the next destination is Archer City, Texas, where Larry McMurtry kind of took over the town for his bookstore. There's now a whole industry grown up around it apparently, but he's planning on shutting it down at the end of the year. The last thing we need is more books, and we certainly won't have the time to really look around, but I heard about this years ago and don't want to miss the chance to see it.

The map puts it at around 2100 miles total. A lot of driving, especially for folks who don't like to spend a lot of time in the car. We only have a few real goals, but our actual schedule is going to be determined by the movers, so we'll see.


andy said...

If it don't come in a plastic bottle, it's not really vodka from Somerville. I only live there for the almost eight years.

Anonymous said...

somebody who does a blog gets a *paper* TripTik?

I would have thought that you'd have directions beamed to the XM radio...or maybe sprung for a GPS system

Such a Luddite...