
sit. stay. beg for votes!

So, Spoonflower, yes? Fabric of the week contest, remember? This week, it's Dogs (no cats allowed).

My pattern is made from a I sketch did years ago of P + T's dear, (now) departed dog Annie. She had a little stump tail (the Wagometer) and she would wag it while doing her downward- and upward-facing dog stretches. She was great little dog, and I miss her. ♥ ♥ ♥

All the designs appear in random order, so you'll probably have to page through a few screens (there are 8 total) before seeing mine. You can vote for as many or as few designs as you like (not just mine) by clicking on the images you like best. A green box will appear around the design(s) you select for voting. You submit all your votes on the last page. Any and all votes are appreciated!

UPDATE: Nanners made the top ten! Thanks to everyone who voted!


Paul said...

Love the Nanners-themed fabric! Very cool.

Also, Audrey loves the zipper case you sent for Christmas. She's squirreling away her school stuff already.


monica said...

I'm glad Miz Audrey approved of the case! They were fun to make.

monica said...

also: squirreling = tee hee!