It was just a short stroll — and that was kind of one of the points that the tour leader, Ellen Bradbury Reid, wanted to make — all the intrigue happened in the space of just a few blocks. All walking distance, because nobody involved really had access to a car, and they were all from out of town so had to meet at obvious landmarks.
Stopped a few of the key locations, heard some stories about how the spies — there were only three of them at the Manhattan Project, all spying for the Russians — worked their way into espionage, met with handlers, and were caught. KGB, FBI, military intelligence, spies and their handlers were all in Santa Fe and La Fonda was at the center of it all — and pretty much all of them wanted their pictures taken with the statue of Archbishop Lamy

There's some historical photos at the New Mexican article about the tour.

Back to Fort Marcy Ballpark in the evening for another Fuego game with some friends. There were a few tense moments, where it seemed the Fuego were coming back to close the lead in the final innings, but it wasn't nearly the excitement – or the happy ending — of our previous outing. A lovely evening outside, though, a good time.