So, M+D are in town, arrived Friday. This morning's activity was a hike up
Sun Mountain, over by Atalaya near St. John's. We didn't make it all the way to the top; it was colder than the advertised forecast of 48°, and there was still plenty of packed snow and ice that made for some tricky going. Out about two hours, but given the day, seemed a good destination.
Yeah, we took a vacation day today. Figures I decide to take a day off on the shortest day of the year.
Yesterday was chores and such, but M+D over for dinner. And celebration of Cheyenne's Gotcha Day. A good thing that M+D were around with gifts, 'cause we blew it. Cookies from
Barkin' Bistro and a duck stuffie:

Saturday was great fun, we spent the morning at the Farmers Market with Susan the dogsitter, then out and around. With any luck, I'm getting photos from from a few other sources that'll show the day.
Gray and colder today. Weather oracles are saying precipitation tomorrow, may be snow by Wednesday. Nothing like what hit the East Coast, but we've got hopes that it won't be a
completely brown Christmas.